3 Reasons Your AC Won't Shut Off

25 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

The cool air pushed into your home by an air conditioner can be a real lifesaver. AC units are designed to operate quietly and efficiently. The gentle hum of the condenser is so non-invasive that many homeowners don't even realize it when their AC system fails to turn off.

An air conditioner that is running constantly is cause for concern. One of the following three scenarios is probably to blame, and you will need the help of an experienced HVAC technician to restore proper function to your AC system in the future.

1. Air Leaks

Your air conditioner will run most efficiently when your home is air-tight. Most homeowners understand that all doors and windows need to be shut tightly when the AC is engaged, but it isn't just windows and doors that can allow cool air to leak out of your home.

Lots of residential properties have small cracks or holes that can serve as an escape route for cool air. Your air ducts can even sustain damage, allowing cool air to leak out before it ever reaches your living spaces.

Leaks prevent your home from reaching the desired temperature setting with ease, and the AC unit will continue to run in an attempt to achieve the proper temperature. You will need to have all leaks repaired to prevent your AC from working overtime to cool your home.

2. Faulty Thermostat

The thermostat acts as an intermediary between you and your AC unit. The temperature setting you program into your thermostat serves as the threshold for air temperatures in your home. When the thermostat senses that the air temperature is above the programmed setting, it will signal the AC unit to produce cool air.

Once the indoor air temperature drops back to an acceptable level, the thermostat will tell the AC to turn off. A faulty thermostat can fail to send the right signals to the AC unit, resulting in an air conditioner that runs constantly. An experienced HVAC technician can replace a faulty thermostat to protect your AC system against premature failure.

3. Dirt

A dirty AC system can't function as efficiently as it should. It's important that you swap out the air filter regularly and keep your ducts and compressor housing free of dirt and debris. A dirty AC system can't circulate air freely through your home.

The AC unit will continue to run until the obstructions are removed. Your HVAC technician may offer a maintenance package that includes regular cleaning to help you better care for your AC system in the future. Reach out to an HVAC company about air conditioning repair, if you'd like to learn more. 
